Viking Electronics VK-40-IP

Viking Electronics IP Ceiling Speakers for SIP Endpoint We need a sound system, which is more efficient and loud as people love to listen loud music and many other things loudly. You need to have background music display at some events and need internet connection to be connected with the speakers. Some speakers have that feature that they can get connected to your PCs via Ethernet port so that you can power the speaker through that Ethernet port. Viking Electronics VK-40-IP help you in broadcasting regular voices, as well as different emergency alerts and also background music. These speakers have an excellent amplifier and can connect another amplifier to increase the sound of that speaker. Some of these speakers are one way that you can only listen to these speakers but some of these are two ways so that you can also send your voice to other people. These speakers are mounted in ceiling so that everyone can equally and effectively listen to the sound of t...